Catalog Reverse ETL
Catalog Reverse ETL

Catalog Reverse ETL

By Louise de Leyritz from Castor (

As companies engage in operational analytics, operational departments in companies are using data. For this reason, there is a need to distribute data from the warehouse to different cloud applications used by operational teams.

This explains the recent explosion in the past two years of Reverse ETL tools. (internal, open-source, and SaaS). This new trend is not going to stop, and we'd rather bring visibility and structure soon.


At CastorDoc, we believe the first step to structure the Reverse ETL tools market, is more transparency. For that reason, we put up a list of all the Reverse ETL tools we heard of.

This list is still exploratory, may contain errors, or lack information. Please reach out to us, if you notice anything wrong:

Get started on Reverse ETL

In-depth analysis and evolution Read the full breakdown by generation and market analysis of Reverse ETL here.

Deeper dive into Reverse ETL tools

What does each column in the benchmark below mean?

Variety of data sources: Can the reverse ETL tool connect to the data warehouse only? Is it possible to connect to other databases? Other sources, such as FTP files, spreadsheets, etc..

Number of data sources: From how many applications can the Reverse ETL tool export data?

Segmentation: With the tool, is it possible to have a source that results from the merging of other sources (SSH file, google sheet)? For example, the source is a table of clients who have spent more than $1000 in the past 15 days. This source has been built by merging two tables and can be displayed in salesforce using the Reverse ETL tool.

Modeling: How is the data warehouse queried using the solution? Is it pure SQL, or does the solution have easy mode/ no-code features such as drag and drop?

Integration with dbt: Is it possible to directly integrate a dbt model with the solution?

Custom API connector: Is there a possibility to customize the connectors provided with the connection.

Refresh frequency: How often is the data synced from your warehouse to cloud apps? Every hour? Every minute? In real-time? Can the workflow be triggered via API, or when specific events occur/on-demand (ex: every time a dbt model is modified)?

Incremental synchronization: When synchronizing the warehouse with cloud apps, does the solution offer the possibility to only synchronize data that has been modified since the last export, or does it send all the data in the segment each time?

Security: Is your data synced on the solution's server or does it stay in your warehouse? When data stays in your warehouse, the solution is by default secure to many attacks. Is the solution compliant with GDPR, CCPA, HIPPA? Version control is the recording of audit logs of any changes made to your models or sync configurations. Data governance is the possibility to control who has access to certain models.

Observability: Does the solution allow you to see how your syncs are performing at large? Can you easily identify when a sync fails and why? Can you get an alert when a sync fails?

Reverse ETL Benchmark and Key Features

NameWebsiteClassificationData sourcesn° data sourcesSegmentationmodelingIntegration with dbtCustom API connectorRefresh frequencyIncremental updatesIntegrationsObservabilitySecurity
Hightouch 🇺🇸
Reverse ETL part of a larger offering
data warehousespreadsheetsdatabase
Near real timeEvents basedAPI
alert when sync failssync historical log
Data stays in your warehouse Version controlGDPR compliantHIPAA compliantSOC2 compliantCCPA compliantData governance
Census 🇺🇸
Reverse ETL only
data warehousedatabase
SQLno-code coming soon
Near real timeEvents basedAPI
sync historical logalert when sync fails
Data stays in your warehouse GDPR compliantCCPA compliantVersion controlSOC2 compliant
Octolis 🇫🇷
Reverse ETL only
data warehousespreadsheetsdatabase
Nocoming soon
1 minAPINear real timeEvents based
alert when sync failssync historical log
GDPR compliantData stays in your warehouse
Grouparoo 🇺🇸
Reverse ETL only
data warehousedatabasespreadsheetsCloud applications
Near real time
alert when sync failssync historical log
GDPR compliantData stays in your warehouse
Polytomic 🇺🇸
Reverse ETL part of a larger offering
data warehousespreadsheetsdatabasehttp APICloud applications
Near real timeAPIEvents based
alert when sync failssync historical log
GDPR compliantSOC2 compliantData stays in your warehouse HIPAA compliantCCPA compliantPCI compliantOn-premise deployment available
Rudderstack 🇺🇸
Reverse ETL part of a larger offering
data warehousespreadsheetsdatabaseCRM
Near real time
Data stays in your warehouse
Workato 🇺🇸
Reverse ETL part of a larger offeringIpaas
data warehousedatabasespreadsheetsCloud applications
Near real time
PCI compliantSOC2 compliant
Omnata 🇦🇺
Reverse ETL part of a larger offeringEmerging solution
data warehouse
dbt packages
Near real timeEvents based
sync historical log
APPS compliantGDPR compliantData stays in your warehouse

Additional comparisons and benchmark resources